Header banner shows people talking to each other and looking at the SmartMaps map solution on a tablet

GDPR-compliant, worldwide map solution

The map platform for an inspiring user experience

Benefit from the extensive possibilities of the GDPR-compliant SmartMaps platform. Be it with our maps, our high-performance autocomplete function or the varied possibilities of the routing API. Find out more about the diverse functions of SmartMaps here. Of course, all functions are available to you worldwide.

Experience it live

Extensive functions for individual applications

Get to know the SmartMap functions

Icon shows a search magnifier with a stylized map for SmartMaps


Visual compass for our world

SmartMaps is your dynamic, powerful and globally usable map basis for your industry-specific requirements. Regardless of whether you want to visualize location data, business data or socio-demographic data on the web, in internal applications or in an app.

Icon shows a pencil on a line for the Autocomplete function


Intelligent input help for your address search

Just a few letters are enough to impress your customers. With the autocomplete function, suitable suggestions are recommended as soon as the first letters are entered in the address search field. This saves time, is impressive and results in a successful search thanks to simultaneous verification of the entry.

Icon shows the world as a sphere with a POI drawn in for the geocoding function


Pinpoint coordinates for your locations

Show your customers your locations on the map. Use forward geocoding to convert postal addresses into coordinates and visualize them precisely on the map. Reverse geocoding allows you to convert an existing coordinate, i.e. from a user's location, into an address.

Icon shows a dashed line with a POI as the destination address for the Routing function


Quick directions to your destination

With our high-performance route server, you can calculate the route from A to B in a short time. Show your customers the way to your location and navigate them safely to their desired destination - whether on foot, by bike or by car. You can also use our isochrone, trip planning or map match service.



Nutzerfreundlich und übersichtlich

Die SmartMaps-Kartentechnologie bietet ein elegantes und hochauflösendes Karten-Design sowie qualitativ hochwertiges Kartenmaterial und rückt gleichzeitig das Wesentliche in den Fokus – Ihre individuell definierten Informationen.



Exakte Entfernung zu Ihren Standorten

Zeigen Sie Ihrem Kunden alle Anfahrtsmöglichkeiten und die exakte Entfernung zu Ihrem Standort. Berechnen Sie keine Luftlinien, sondern reale Streckenentfernungen auf Basis des Straßennetzes für eine korrekte Listensortierung.

Do you need technical details on implementation?

Data protection for person-related geodata

Data security first

Personal geodata also falls under the protection of the GDPR. Static and dynamic IP addresses are also considered personal data and must be protected. With SmartMaps, IP addresses are only stored for the delivery of information to the user. Beyond the user's period of use, the IP address is treated in accordance with data protection regulations and is not stored unless there is a security problem. SmartMaps has been awarded the "Software Hosted in Germany" quality seal. The Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) (The Federal Registered Association of IT for SMEs) awards this certificate to products whose data and software are hosted in Germany and comply with German data protection law. Together with our data protection officer, we act in accordance with the requirements of the EU GDPR, as our data centers are certified according to DIN ISO 27001.

Guarantee your customers sovereignty over their personal data and rely on our data protection-compliant map solution - for your digital sovereignty and a fair, digital world. Find more information here.

Image shows the fair.digital seal
Image shows the Software Hosted in Germany seal
Image shows the data protection seal tested by Datenschutz perfect
Bild zeigt das Siegel fair.digital


Easy to integrate into your existing system

No complex adaptations are necessary to integrate SmartMaps into your existing system architecture. You will receive your individual API key from us to integrate the map platform seamlessly into your existing application.
Image shows an example of code with SmartMaps API key


Einfach in Ihr bestehendes System einbinden

Um SmartMaps in Ihre bestehende Systemlandschaft einzubinden, sind keine aufwändigen Anpassungen notwendig. Sie erhalten von uns Ihren individuellen API-Key, um die Kartenplattform nahtlos in Ihre vorhandene Anwendung zu integrieren.

Zur API - Dokumentation
Image shows a diagram for high performance with SmartMaps

Top performance

Accessible anytime from anywhere

SmartMaps servers impress with an availability of over 99.72% and guarantee high performance at all times. The platform also responds to millions of map and geoservice requests reliably and with high performance.


Immer und überall erreichbar

SmartMaps-Server überzeugen mit einer Verfügbarkeit von über 99,72% und garantieren jederzeit eine hohe Performance. Anfragen in Millionenhöhe, die Ihre Kartenlösung in kurzer Zeit belasten, sind für SmartMaps kein Problem.


The driving force behind your well-founded decisions

Geodata is a valuable source of information for well-founded decisions and your constantly growing business success. By monitoring your map solution, you gain data-driven insights about your customers in selected regions - information that is important for your profitable location planning.
Image shows the interplay between the objective and the application option in order to be able to make well-founded decisions


Antriebsfeder für Ihre fundierten Entscheidungen

Geodaten sind wertvolle Informationsträger für fundierte Entscheidungen und Ihren stetig steigenden Unternehmenserfolg. Mit dem Monitoring Ihrer Kartenlösung gewinnen Sie datengestützte Erkenntnisse über Ihre Kunden in bestimmten Regionen – Informationen, die für Ihre gewinnbringende Standortplanung wichtig sind.

Image shows the interplay between industry-specific requirements and flexibility with SmartMaps


Design according to your industry-specific requirements

Regardless of whether you want to adapt your map solution to your corporate design or map industry-specific requirements. With SmartMaps, we offer you full design flexibility to create brand recognition value and a unique user experience.


Gestaltung nach Ihrem branchenspezifischen Bedarf

Egal, ob Sie Ihre Kartenlösung an Ihr Corporate Design anpassen oder branchenspezifische Anforderungen abbilden wollen. Mit SmartMaps bieten wir Ihnen die volle Gestaltungsflexibilität, um einen Wiedererkennungswert zu schaffen und ein einzigartiges Nutzererlebnis zu gestalten.

Personal consultation

Personal contact is a matter close to our hearts

We treat our customers as equals. For us, personal contact is a priority. Our SmartMaps experts create added value for you and your customers with needs-oriented and industry-specific advice as well as being there for you personally when you need support. Put your trust in our geo specialists and more than 25 years of experience. Find here references to SmartMaps.

Image shows personal advice as an important USP compared to other market competitors


Persönlicher Kontakt ist unsere Herzensangelegenheit

Wir begegnen unseren Kunden auf Augenhöhe. Für uns ist der persönliche Kontakt eine Herzensangelegenheit. Unsere SmartMaps-Experten schaffen mit einer bedürfnisorientierten und branchenspezifischen Beratung einen Mehrwert für Sie und Ihre Kunden und sind im Supportfall persönlich für Sie da. Vertrauen Sie unseren Geo- Spezialisten und auf unsere langjährige Erfahrung von über 20 Jahren.



Persönlicher Kontakt ist unsere Herzensangelegenheit

Wir begegnen unseren Kunden auf Augenhöhe. Für uns ist der persönliche Kontakt eine Herzensangelegenheit. Unsere SmartMaps-Experten schaffen mit einer bedürfnisorientierten und branchenspezifischen Beratung einen Mehrwert für Sie und Ihre Kunden und sind im Supportfall persönlich für Sie da. Vertrauen Sie unseren Geo- Spezialisten und auf unsere langjährige Erfahrung von über 20 Jahren.

Let's unlock your mapping potential together

Your success is our priority - Connect with us now

Have questions or seeking personalized guidance on our SmartMaps platform? I'm here to help. Contact me today for expert advice and support in achieving your goals with our cutting-edge mapping solutions.


Christopher Schmitt
Tel.: +49 721 9638-125

Contact me